Thursday, November 1, 2007

Good Ole' Fred.

My buddy Fred, who works over at Big Blue, the competition, was talking with me in StarBucks the other day. He told me a joke he'd heard from one of the overnight stockers.

One day a factory worker died and ended up before St. Peter at the gates of Heaven. Saint Peter welcomed the worker and told him to come in, for they had a special place reserved just for hard working people. Only people who truly work hard all their lives get to come here, our factory worker was told. Saint Peter took the worker on a tour.

"Over here, we have the Shipyard lounge," he pointed, as the worker observed porters, stevedores, and dockworkers sitting at a bar sipping coffee. Music was playing in the jukebox.

"Next, we have the Mill Room." The worker saw dark tanned, leathery skinned men in Bermuda shorts sitting underneath cool fans and sipping iced tea. "These people worked in the steel industry with super hot blast furnaces and slag kilns."

"To your right, you'll see the Diner room -- this is where tired waitresses go." The worker saw women getting massages, make-overs, and shopping for jewelry.

"Over here is the Bubble Bath." The worker saw dozens of oil-field drill-men and coal miners showering all the mud, coal, and thick crude oil from themselves in luxurious saunas and steam rooms.

Then, Saint Peter started to tip-toe. "Shshshhhh..." he said.

"Why do we have to be quiet?" the factory worker asked in a whisper. Saint Peter pointed over at The Throne Room. Women sat on huge thrones, with jewel encrusted crowns, and multitudes of people worshipping them.

"Those are the soft lines workers from the retail industry." Saint Peter whispered.

"They think that they are the only ones here."

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