Thursday, December 6, 2007

Wo Unto You, Scribes, Pharisees, Hypocrites!

My buddy Cedric and I were talking shop the other day, about the price of tea in China and the state of affairs in the retail industry. Cedric works for a large grocery chain here in town, which I call "Big Yellow," while I work for a large general retailer "Big Red."

One of the things we talked about was how the Holidays bring out the absolute worst behavior in people when they go shopping. Cedric is a follower of "Ye Olde Relyginne" which dates all the way back to pre-Christian England on the high points of the Salisbury Plains. He looks upon the whole affair with utter contempt. The hypocrisy of it all bugs him to no end. I have to admit, even as a marginal Christian myself, it bothers me too.

If Jesus were here today, I believe he would rail against all the people who make a great pretense of gift giving and party hosting, only after they have treated retail clerks and service people with the same vicious, acid bile they would reserve for a convict or a foreign terorrist. He would rant about people who called their friends "brother" in church, and then fight with other drivers in traffic or fellow shoppers on the sales floor, during the week.

It's just like that old song by Bette Midler, where she sings "God is watching us." I believe God watches over retail workers, and I believe he takes a tally of all the people who treat them like trash during the holidays.



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