Thursday, January 24, 2008

Monkey Business Management Secret #23


In a recent post I pointed out how you can be like Stalin and execute millions of people by starvation in the Ukraine, and you still get to keep your leather chair in a huge government office. If you're a peon, however, and you so much as scratch the seat of your pants the wrong way, you're out on the streets.

All of this came to mind when I was watching a DVD that someone gave me for Christmas. It's The Simpson's Movie, the one where Homer gets a pet pig to walk on the ceiling. There's a certain character in the movie, "Mr. Cargill," who really gives me a good chuckle. Mr. Cargill is a high level bureaucrat with access to The President, and he plots to destroy Springfield. During the movie he said something that had me bust out laughing.

Assistant, to Mr. Cargill: "Sir, I think that you're going mad with power..."

Mr. Cargill, to assistant: "Have you ever tried going mad WITHOUT power? It's very boring....nobody listens to you."

That, my friends, sums it all up in a nutshell.

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