Monday, March 5, 2007

Not Born Yesterday.

Earlier this week they had me working the electronics counter. There was a group of three preteen young men wandering around the electronics and toys. They kept signaling each other when I walked by. I asked them if their parents were with them.

The "not-Caucasian" one sassed me back: "no, am I supposed to?"

Ok, sucka. Time for you to play with the big dogs. I signaled the guys in A.P. My guys zeroed in on them with the cameras. Caught them red-handed, on tape, in black and white.

Busted. Cops came, and the rest is history. Turns out the "NOT-caucasian" was the leader of the little group. I am not surprised.

Word to the wise: if you work in retail, be nice to the guys with the badges. Take care of them, and they'll take care of you.

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