"Big Red" always prides itself on how progressive they are, especially in their business models. For the most part, they are. They do pretty well.
There's one thing, however, that they continuously fall down on.
"Mz. Waffleboot" brags constantly how she thinks she schedules the back room people efficiently, so there shouldn't be any need for anyone else to be back there. "Mz. Waffleboot" is full of *&#@.
All week this week I have continually had to turn away sales, because I couldn't get any help from the back room. The team leaders were always busy, back room people were always on lunch, or they always leave early. Had I been allowed to retrieve items from the back myself, I could have saved those sales, but no. Company policy is strictly enforced that I am never to retrieve an item from the back room. Only the back room people are allowed to do it. They enforce this policy to the point we loose sales.
I swear before God, angels, and witnesses: If I ever end up as a retail executive, my number one priority will be that no company bureaucracy should ever get in the way of a sale, especially a large cash sale. Period. End of story. Ever. I swear that I will sweep out of the company any person who uses bureaucracy to stand in the way of closing a sale and satisfying a customer, and I will personally fire any store manager that I don't see out on the sales floor with tools and merchandise in their hands, and buns hustling. I will even go so far as to forbid the managers from even having desks, if that's what it takes.
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