In previous posts I've written about the goofy dreams I have from time to time.
This evening in a dream I saw my friend Cedric, the "alternative spiritual lifestyle" practitioner, teaching my other buddy Rupert how to cast a blessing. Both of them are Harry Potter fans, so naturally it followed along those lines. I saw them conversing about it for awhile at Starbuck's.
I saw Rupert as he quietly observed "miss K" from a distance while she was giving orders during a quick meeting on the sales floor. He reached forth his hand, and spoke the words "pacis , meus angelus..." meaning "peace, my angel." (I can't vouch for the accuracy of the Latin grammar -- don't ask me, it was just a dream.)
"Miss K" began to shine, with bright glow surrounding her. Her clothing became brilliant white. Rupert went to the back room to go about his business, and "Miss K" stood there for awhile, smiling as she observed everyone's work on the sales floor. Ah yes, Rupert. He's such a doofus.
So I asked Cedric (the real life one) what he thought it all meant. He said that possibly there is a significant woman in my life who needs to be reassured in some way. I got the hint. I went home and gave Cricket a big hug, and asked how her day was.
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