It's almost as if I am a prisoner, anxiously counting the days until he gets released on parole.
Right now I'm counting the days until the end of "asshole season."
"Asshole season" is the period of time that ranges roughly between Oct 15th and Jan 2nd each year, where the majority of the human population in the United States turns into complete assholes. The absolute worst days of "asshole season" occur the last two weeks of December.
It is for that reason, this year I have decide to formally renounce my own personal celebration of Christmas. The origins of Christmas lie in pagan winter festivals anyway, so really it should be no skin off of my nose, religiously. I try as best I can to be Christian, but sometimes the only words I can find to best describe the behavior of my fellow human animal-beasts are....well, swear words.
I've decided that from now on I will only go through the motions of Christmas to satisfy everyone else and to avoid being burned at the stake as a blasphemer, but what I shall really do during "asshole season" is join my friends in the "alternative spirituality" community and celebrate Yule or Winter Solstice. When it comes to Christ, I will celebrate Him at Easter, but never more with candy or bunnies.
To that end, I've been spending time with my buddy Cedric, who is an ordained novitiate with the Order of Bards. The things he has taught me about Solstice customs are fascinating. I look forward to enjoying myself in December, for once.
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