Monday, November 12, 2007

Dark Things Are Circling.

I met up with my friend Cedric today. Cedric works for a grocery chain that I will term as "Big Yellow." I worked for them briefly in the past, which is why I know Cedric.

Cedric dresses in black, sharpens his fingernails into points, and is an ardent follower of "Ye Olde Religynne." By that I mean a religion that dates waaaay back into the Paleolithic era of stone age England. Let's just say that cosmically speaking, he has powerful connections.

Cedric listened to me discuss my troubles with "Mz. Waffleboot." He told me of a similar problem he had in the past when a certain stocking manager gave him grief. Cedric noticed that every time he had a confrontation with the manager, he would experience several days of bad problems thereafter.

Cedric suspected the manager had tricks of his own up his sleeve. It kept going on and on until it got to the point Cedric held a meeting with his fellow practitioners of Ye Olde Religion. In the days following, said stocking manager completely disappeared. Later it was discovered that the manager got put in jail for something he did while drunk.

Cedric offered have his friends help me with my "Waffleboot" problem. I told him that for now I'm ok, but the way things are going it just may come to that.

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