You know that you're really wrapped up in your job when you start having bizarre dreams about it. This evening was no exception. I woke up a little while ago, after having seen this mysterious dream.
I dreamed I walked up the steps of a cathedral, and it had the title "St. Lazarus" above the door. The sexton stood outside and asked me why I was there. He was an older man, with a crippled leg and a cane. He had a name tag with "Lee Goba" written on it. I asked him if I could come inside and meditate for a while. He gave a big, hearty laugh and opened the huge wooden door for me.
As I walked inside I noticed a statue to Saint Barbara in one of the alcoves off to the side. Bright light shone upon it, and as I approached the statue it transformed into St. Barbara herself. Glory shone all about me.
The woman in my vision asked what troubled me so, and I spoke all about recent troubles and frustrations with my job. She told me to lean forward and listen to her give me the grand key-word for the solution to my troubles. She whispered the word "Shango" in my ear, then everything around me disappeared.
I found myself standing in the middle of the electronics department at the store, by the counter. All sorts of wild looking people dressed in company shirts were coming at me with weapons of every kind.
I spoke the word "Shango."
Instantly the whole building shook to the foundation, and a huge bolt of lightning struck the floor right in front of me. The force of the storm knocked me backwards. When I got up, all the crazy people were gone. Red and white rose petals started to float down and settle around me. As I could smell their scent, a wave of peace poured over me.
Interesting, huh?
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