It's just like the old 1960's TV show "Lost In Space," and that annoying, prissy robot going berserk every time his sensors picked up approaching trouble.
I woke up this morning with that nagging, rock-lock feeling I get in my gut whenever I just know that the work-day is going SUCK, and suck big-time. Add to that there was a creepy crawly feeling up my back that someone somewhere was pissed off at me over something.
Not even an hour or so into my shift I discovered what all the gut nagging was about. During the morning team huddle "Mz. Waffleboot" chewed me out for having retrieved items from the back-room on more that one occasion, when I'm supposed to have a member of HER flow team do it. In front of the whole group she made sarcastic remarks suggesting that I've been doing it to waste time and get out of serving guests.
"Mz. Waffleboot" has the hilarious habit of referring to everything in the store as "hers."
"Tell me, 'M.B.' " she whines sarcastically. "Exactly how many times are electronics people allowed in MY back room?! That's right, NONE!"
I'm thinking to myself "Lady, I have absolutely no desire to stain my person by entering YOUR back room, believe me."
"You want to know something, lady? Half the people on YOUR Flow Team look like recent parolees, the other half look like rehab drop-outs. I'm constantly having to put away stuff that YOUR people leave sitting all over the store isles when they go home. I'm constantly having to fix stuff that YOUR idiots stock in the wrong place on the shelves. Get over yourself. I'd be perfectly happy if I never again had to even see YOU or YOUR mangy, rat-infested backroom EVER, so @#%& off...."
The real reason I go retrieve items when I'm not supposed to is that I'm tired of waiting half an eternity for HER worthless flow team to answer calls on the radio when I have a guest standing in front of me with money burning a hole through their pockets, waiting for their product and looking at me like I'm some kind of ignorant, incompetent doofus. In the time it takes to call a back-room person to get something for a guest, I can usually retrieve three or four items, or more. Stupid -- absolutely stupid, and totally asinine.
The very idea that she would suggest I'm a time wasting incompetent just infuriated me. I went and ranted to the ETL/HR. I told them that I was going to start bringing a notebook with me to work, and keep records of all the times I can't get any help from the back room, especially at night an hour or two before close. All day long I was furious. I always do my best to try to be courteous and reasonable to people, so when some shrill, nasal, whiney, dingle-berry dangling dyke has the brass to insult me in public in front of the group, I just lost it.
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