The other night one of the team leaders found some soft lines items at the last minute while we were zoning toys. He took them over to the soft lines department so that they could be put away. Technically, the rule is that if you find other departments' returns in your own department and you don't have them delivered at least an hour before closing, you have to put them away yourself. He was fairly new and didn't know that.
Here's the rub -- when anyone brings returns back to soft lines later than an hour before closing, they come absolutely unglued, and throw whiney b*ing tantrums over it. So when this new team leader I just mentioned did his thing, "Miss Beluga" the Soft lines team leader got on the walkie and chewed him out over the air, in front of the whole store.
That really pissed me off.
First off, the rule is that conflicts are supposed to be discussed in private and not on the walkies. Secondly, soft lines is not the only department in the store that has work to do. I'm so tired of their martyr game where they act like they're so picked upon. People bring me late returns all the time. I don't complain because I consider myself a team player and I do what it takes to get the job done.
The very next day, "Mz. Waffleboot" complained to "Miss Beluga" about all the planogram work she left for the stock people to pull on a Saturday morning, when that is the busiest day for the backroom people who have to work incoming freight. The rule is that planograms have to be set before the weekend anyway.
I never really liked "Miss Beluga" to begin with because she is such a whining b* about her department, but when she chewed out someone over the air over late returns, and then left extra work for the back room to do on their busiest day of the week, that really made me dislike her even more.
I said it a million times, and I'll say it again. If I ever become manager of a "big-box" retail store, I swear on a stack of ad circulars I will do everything within my power to make sure whining soft lines people shut the f* up and stay shut up. I will make them haul pallets of pet food or bottled water all day, so they'll learn what *real* work feels like.
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