Wednesday, October 10, 2007

If Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Would Ride


It's really hilarious when you watch beauty pageants, and they ask the contestants what they wish for most. The girls will demurely purr while batting their oversize lashes over their puppy-dog eyes, and they'll say things like "world peace," "Thanksgiving with my grandma who passed away," and other such drippy syrup.

I confess I only have myself to blame for screwing my life up and ending up working retail at age 41, when I could have been an engineer or an attorney if I had run my life properly. It's my own fault, so I don't expect much now.

The one thing I really, really wish I could have, that I would even take less pay and a demotion for, is the simple human dignity of being able to keep a coffee cup of my own by my workspace and leave it there, unmolested and in peace, without somebody zealously throwing it out because it's against the rules. My own team leaders leave their KFC drink cups behind the camera counter, but freaking heaven forbid I should leave my ceramic coffee cup back there and someone just has to throw it out. A fellow employee was kind enough to spot my cup and grab it for me before it got sent out with the trash this evening

God Dammit.

It's a simple thing, really. It's not like I'm demanding they organize a union, or give me a month's paid vacation for cryin' out loud. A simple coffee cup. That's all I ask. A simple, f* coffee cup. What would it hurt them? They sit in their leather chairs, collect their six figure salaries and stock options, vacation in The Hamptons or Martha's Vinyard, but they can't allow me the simple human dignity of having a coffee cup where I work?


Is it necessary for me to sell my soul to get a career where I can be considered enough of a legitimate human being to keep a coffee cup nearby, without someone throwing it out?

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