"When a great ruler passes, bow deeply (and fart silently)"
The last couple of weeks they've assigned the new electronics specialist to be hardlines team leader during the closing shifts. The power has gone completely to his head. He's been going around micro-managing everyone on the floor, even other team leaders who have been with the company for years.
They didn't want me for the position. Fine. Then they hire some guy right off the street with prison tattoos that say "trust no man" and give him the spot sight unseen. I had to answer his questions for a couple of weeks. Now he's in charge of the place. Almost everyone hates this guy. He had a couple of people so pissed off the other night they almost quit on the spot.
I don't know exactly what their beef with me is. I've gone out of my way to be helpful to as many people as possible, I work crazy hours on the weekend, (like closing at midnight, only to return at 5am to hang ad signs) I know more about electronics that this moron, I've been in management in more than one position and place, and they give the position to this bozo.
I need to spend more time in contact with....
The Powers That Be.
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