This is a special post for all those business executives out there who really think that they're something special, and that everyone else around them is a turkey.
Let me tell you a story.
A certain Roman named Gaius Germanicus was born to an Imperial household, and was destined to take the reins of leadership from his father one day. When Gaius was very young he accompanied his father on military campaigns. Soldiers nicknamed him "little-boots." In his adolescence his father died suddenly; many people suspected he had been poisoned by a rival, Tiberius.
In the years that followed, Gaius was shuttled from one relative's household to another, until he ended up as a ward of none other than Tiberius. Over time Tiberius arranged for the banishment or destruction of any of Gaius' relatives who had any proximity to the throne. Tiberius took great delight in humiliating Gaius at every chance he could. For years, Gaius hid his true feelings and thoughts. He served Tiberius in his household with every amount of loyalty he could muster, if only to stay alive.
One fateful day, with the help of a friend in the Praetorian Guard, Gaius managed to have Tiberius killed. Since the people of Rome hated Tiberius, they welcomed the event, and The Senate granted Gaius the right to inherit Tiberius' estate. Not long afterward, Rome declared young Gaius their emperor.
What finally happened to the cute little soldier boy who became Emperor?
You see, the Latin word for "little boots" is the word "CALIGULA." After his enthronement, Emperor Caligula went on a rampage of vengeance and reprisal against all who had harmed his family -- no one was spared until the very last drop of blood was shed. After that, Caligula ruled Rome with an iron fist and showed no mercy to anyone who dared to question his rule. He went down in history as one of the most ruthless and bloodthirsty despots ever to rule the Roman Empire.
So you see, dear executives, let me remind you of something Bill Gates once said: "Be nice to the nerds. One day you'll end up answering to one."
Be grateful you're surrounded by turkeys. If you were surrounded by anyone better, they'd have your head, and you'd be singing the "Enron Blues."
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