The day before yesterday we had a "crew" trying to work our store over. The A.P. guys had been watching them come in and out. They knew we were watching them, yet the kept trying all day long to jack us. That evening I was zoning domestics, and my buddy "J" from A.P. tells me that one of them is in the store again, so I tail her. As a regular floor associate I'm not allowed to do that, according to company rules, but I do it anyway because I hate professional thieves with a passion. Punks just piss me off.
She figures out I'm on her tail and tries to shake me, eventually walking back up to me to ask my opinion about the stereo she was holding, which we both knew she was trying to walk out with. It's one of the older dodges in the book: the "get friendly with the guy who's tailing you" routine. She hands me the stereo and asks me to ring her up at the camera counter, which we were close to, but she had to go get a couple more items.
I wait for a couple of minutes and when I knew she had ditched me I checked for her further down the isles. She had left the building. This same scenario happened earlier in the day with one of her confederates, whom we had seen in a car with her. We got them both on camera. They managed to get some small items, but not the big stuff.
They gave me a "good job" card for the recovery (which was about $250) It's posted in the breakroom.
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