I've ranted on and on about "Mz. Waffleboot," but recent events have forced me to take a look at things through her eyes just a bit.
More and more, I'm starting to realize the a large number of the back-room people she has to oversee are complete, absolute, total, illiterate, dumb-ass idiots. I've met a good number of them, watched a number of the work, and have had to waste valuable time fixing the screw-ups they leave behind on the shelves after they stock.
Lately they've been making the evening people conduct shelf audits, in preparation for inventory. So many of us have come across places that have been mis-labeled or stocked incorrectly, necessitating the expense of time and effort switching things back around to match the shelf plan-o-grams. We've had to haul large amounts of merchandise to the back, because of over-stocking against the plan-o-gram.
It's become evident to us on the evening crew that the freight team is either too lazy to read labels, or are too illiterate to read them. Many of us are really pissed off, because much of the shelf discrepancies are blamed upon our zoning at night, when we know full well it's the freight crew screwing it up.
If I had to deal with a huge crew of dumb-asses like "Mz. Waffleboot" does, I'd end up just as abrasive and obnoxious as she is.
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