In a previous post I discussed the "invisibility cloak."
In an interesting corollary to that theory, if you want to play a prank on the competition, just go into their store wearing clothes that even only half-way matches their company colors. People will walk up to you and ask if you work there.
Many times I've gone into a retail establishment with my Sunday clothes on after church, and people think I'm the manager. They come up to me to complain or ask me to back-order a product. I'm too much of a nice guy to take advantage of that one, but jeez -- just think of the possibilities!
All that you really need to pull it off is a nice haircut, a polo shirt, a pair of tan slacks, and penny-loafers or wingtips. If you really want to go all out, just order a shiny brass name-tag from an office supply store (it has to be brass color, most retail executives have metal name tags while the cashier peons wear only plastic.) Just put your name on it, and the title "district manager" or "regional v.p." You don't even need a business name on it. Just wear that get up, start straightening shelves, and the fun will start.
The reason I mention all this: tonight when the store closed and we all clocked out, I drove over to the competition who is open 24 hrs. so I could purchase some things I didn't have time to get at my own store earlier. I was still wearing my company's colors. I thought that if I took my name-tag off I would be safe. Nothing doing. People STILL came up to me and asked if I work there. D'oh!
"No ma'am, actually I'm a scout from the competitor down the street conducting some secret 'marketing intelligence gathering.' "
Here's your sign. [link]
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