Saturday, April 14, 2007

sphinctre pucker factor -- ELEVATED.

Lately out of no-where, management has become hysterically ANAL about anything we say to each other in the building and on the sales floor. They've announced that any kind of slang, metaphors, or lingo are forbidden at all times, not just on the walkies.

Yesterday they made the softlines staff go through every T-shirt in stock and remove any of them that had any kind of suggestive remark or advertisement for alchohol. (Interestingly, they didn't take out all the ones with skulls and dragons -- I would have thought those would be offensive to the Christians. I suspect that they don't care about Christians, just the left-wing liberals, like the kind who demanded the firing of Don Imus.)

The H.R. director mentioned to me in passing yesterday that when she spoke some pop lingo to her co-worker, one of the store team leaders raked her over the coals. All she said was "peace out, homegrrl, I'm going to hop in my crib." (For all you humorless, hysterically anal, hopelessly-out-of-touch "Type A" managers and executives out there, the literal translation runs as follows: "Fare thee well, my good friend and lady in waiting, the day is far spent and eventide approacheth nigh, wherefore I shall hie thee hence toward mine dwelling, for 'tis the end of my labors this evening.")

THIS COMPANY LOVES TO BRAG ABOUT A "FAST, FUN, AND FRIENDLY" WORK ENVIRONMENT, yet lately I see that it is all just mere hypocrisy -- pretty words we speak to potential employees but never really mean. The hypocrisy makes me want to puke. I hate, with a purple passion, all humorless type-A people. They should all just jump off a cliff and leave the rest of us to live in peace.

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