Thursday, April 5, 2007

"Is It In, Yet?"

They had me work in electronics the last couple of days. Everybody and their uncle came to me with eager, hope-filled puppy dog eyes asking if we had received the new DVD release of "Charlotte's Web."

"No, no, no, NO, NOOOOOO! A thousand times NO!"

"Why not?! It was released today, wasn't it?"

"The release date is when the discs leave the factory. It is NOT the day we put it on the shelves!"

[Paint me gold and call me Oscar! Jeeeez people! Get a freakin' life! It will get here when it gets here! Go home and smoke some of the weed that you upper-middle class snots never admit you grow in your basements! Better yet, play a board game with your spouses and children, instead of wasting away your eyes and brains in front of your over-priced plasma screens...]

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