Every work-place has at least one.
This is always the person who stands around and does nothing while everyone else is running about desperately trying to get their work done, desperate to escape him.
If somebody is unlucky enough to get sucked into the attention sphere of a "vortex," they'll find themselves trapped for ages, listening to idle prattle that doesn't amount to anything, while having to watch their productive minutes and hours waste away into nothing, like stellar matter being sucked down into a Stephen Hawking style black hole.
(In fact, I think that Stephen Hawking even mentions human vortexes in his physics books, remarking how their rapacious sucking power cannot be quantified by any kind of mathematics known to science.) (Just kidding.)
Even the fast food industry is not immune. We have a "vortex" at the restaurant where I work. We were exceptionally busy this afternoon. The manager finally had enough of listening to the vortex while watching him do absolutely nothing during the rushes. The manager finally sent him home. I went back to the manager and groveled at his feet, thanking him profusely for getting the vortex out of our hair.
The rest of the afternoon was mercifully, blessedly quiet.
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