One of the competing fast food companies in town runs commercials sponsored by the local franchise holder, featuring an outstanding youth from the ethnic community that the franchisors belong to. They'll show a profile of the young person and detail their academic and athletic achievements during the length of the commercial, then play the jingle, and then fade out on the company logo.
When I see those commercials, all I can think is "jeez, where do they find kids like that -- they sure as hell don't have them where I work!"
My employer sorely lacks them. That's the whole reason I prefer to work days, because the evening shift is full of incredibly lazy, incredibly stupid teenagers. Weekends are the worst. When they see me actually working and trying to get things done, they get mad because it makes them look bad, so they try to slow me down and purposely get in my way. Total punks, they are. I told my boss as much. He said he understood.
I may be a loser who's had upteen bazillion jobs in his 42 years, but I sure as hell am not a stupid and lazy one. I try as best I can to bust and haul, to get things done. Time and time again, other people get jealous and pull all sorts of backstabbing garbage on me. I'm getting really tired of it.
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