It seems that "Mz. Waffleboot" could not find a PDT or a walkie anywhere in the store when she needed them. Then, she blew her top.
Mz. Waffleboot called a huddle of all the store personel and then proceeded to harangue and harp about how no one was following the proper check out procedure for the equipment, and because of that she can't find any. (It never occured to her, of course, that there are few to begin with and there was a large number of people there using them that morning.) She really came unhinged and pretty much reduced herself to ranting. Needless to say, many people were not amused.
What's that sound, you say? I hear a sound, yes! It's the sound of many other pairs of boots walking right out of the store -- then going to work for the competition. After hearing about the day's events, I started to seriously consider whether or not my own boots should start doing some walking right out the door, too.
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